Code Amber News Service (CANS) - The Web's Amber



Posted by Granny1952 Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The knowledge contained in books is unlimited. Finding a book to read for pleasure is a given. There are mysteries, comedy, tragedy, horror, romance, sci-fi and many more types of books to choose from.

Having a library card is such a privilege and in most areas, Free. Getting lost looking through the many authors can be a wonderful adventure. Today libraries offer much more than hardcover books. Computers are available for research papers, checking your email, creating and printing your documents. Then there are the movies that can be checked out.

There is something for everyone. Take your family, sit and read while the children find a book or go to story hour. Relax and get wrapped up in a saga of how the west was won with a western. If the library does not have a specific book you are looking for, see if it can be obtained from another library. You can even order a book over the internet from the comfort of your own home.

By taking your family to the library, you also set a good example. They see you looking for a book, sitting and enjoying what is between the covers. It is such a pleasure to curl up with a book, read it out loud to your children. Give them the world of The Five Little Peppers and how they grew or Heidi. Passing on the love of reading is special. Sometimes the best thing in life is truly free.


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