Code Amber News Service (CANS) - The Web's Amber


School Concerts

Posted by Granny1952 Thursday, May 28, 2009

Concerts put on by the young Junior High age groups, are a simple enjoyment all can enjoy. Schools like to show to the family and community the result of hard practice and growth made throughout the year. In many communities, at the Junior High level, the concerts are free and open to anyone.

The instruments are cleaned, oiled, new reeds attached to make ready to play. The black and white concert cloths are brought out for wear. Boys pick out the ties, girls check their shoes.

Is the performance perfect? Not likely. But the talent that is drawn out by the music / band teacher is amazing. At first the kids are nervous. Then the music begins. As they sing or play their instruments, the confidence from their leadership steadies the students.

The audience recognizes the songs. Toes start tapping. The parents clap loudly at the end of each segment as cameras take pictures to capture the memory.

The performance is ended. Student and family unite. Congratulations are overheard. The trip home and the instruments and special concert cloths are put away. The children go to bed glad they are done. The next day, they go off to school to hear from their mentor what is being planned for the next concert. The expectations, the new songs, the practice begins again.


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