The 23rd Census is in full swing; it is time to be counted in the good ole US of A. Do you know “why” the census takes a count?
The primary reason for taking the census is to determine the number of seats each state is entitled to in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Other uses include:
1. Distribution of Federal and State Funds
2. Creating local districts for elections, schools, and utilities
3. Aids in determining where to locate new housing, businesses and public institutions
4. Shows the demographic characteristics of communities, cities, states
George Washington started the Census in 1790 and it has taken place every 10 years since that time. Did you know that the first Census taken was by US Marshals and took 18 months to complete? The count that was accepted as complete was 3,900,000. Today with the use of technology and the use of many temporary workers, the Census takes less than a year.

So what does the Census have to do with ‘You Are What You Eat’? Well, a correct count may help the school your child or grandchild attends; prepare healthier lunch meals, with the federal funds given to the school district, based on the population count. Numbers that came from the people who filled out the questionnaire and sent it back, completed.