Code Amber News Service (CANS) - The Web's Amber


Happy New Year!

Posted by Granny1952 Thursday, December 30, 2010

Have you looked over the past 12 months? As I sit here thinking about the New Year Resolutions; I have been doing a lot of reflecting. What did I do in 2010?

I guess the big thing is I returned to college to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in Health and Wellness. I am not sure what spurred me to look into furthering my education. Two things happened to me personally that most likely influenced my decision.

First, my best friend passed away in May. We exchanged trivia books a lot, and she is the reason I ever had anything to do with a computer. I remember saying a computer would never be in my home. Then she talked me into talking a computer class with her in the mid 1980’s. It is funny to look back at now. The class started out with “this is a computer; this is the on button… etc….” We also learned how to do simple programming using Edline. I think that is how it is spelled. It was so long ago. We were always studying something together. I remember listening to recordings of sermons on a cassette player together when we lived in Montana. We had the coffee pot on, our Bibles and Concordances out and had to listen to the same tape over and over. How I miss her; my study buddy.

Second, we had our 40th high school class reunion. Boy what a shock. Where did the 40 years go? I enjoyed this reunion a lot. The classmates were fun and all those high school’ish pretenses were gone. Most of them were getting ready to retire and here I was thinking of going back to college… what a kick. But the reunion did make me realize that getting my degree was something I had never finished. I did change what I wanted the degree in though. I no longer desire an accounting degree. To many years as a bookkeeper and doing taxes ended that desire! I chose Health and Wellness because nutrition is a subject I am always researching. Plus, it goes well with my Herbalife business and the nutrition class I coach.

As I decided what my New Year’s Resolutions were going to be, I chose to make a dream board with my list in the middle. My headings included: Spiritual, Health, Business, Education and Personal Development. So today, the Dream Board will be finished. I will be choosing my pictures to put around the resolution list. Family pictures will be fun to look at to choose from.

To me, each New Year is a beginning of a new chapter of my life. I start with a fresh page and have 365 days to fill this period of time with experiences. Have I kept very many resolutions for a whole year? Not many, but some I have. Those few I have, has made a lot of positive changes in my life. So… which ones will I do for the whole year? Will see in 365 day, lol!

Hoping you have a wonderful and positive 2011!

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Census Time Once Again

Posted by Granny1952 Friday, February 26, 2010

The 23rd Census is in full swing; it is time to be counted in the good ole US of A.  Do you know “why” the census takes a count?  

The primary reason for taking the census is to determine the number of seats each state is entitled to in the U.S. House of Representatives. 

Other uses include:

1.    Distribution of Federal and State Funds
2.    Creating local districts for elections, schools, and utilities
3.    Aids in determining where to locate new housing, businesses and public institutions
4.    Shows the demographic characteristics of communities, cities, states

George Washington started the Census in 1790 and it has taken place every 10 years since that time.  Did you know that the first Census taken was by US Marshals and took 18 months to complete?  The count that was accepted as complete was 3,900,000.  Today with the use of technology and the use of many temporary workers, the Census takes less than a year. 

Many of the questionnaires will be mailed to homes but some will be hand delivered by Census Bureau Employees.  Please be kind to the Census Bureau Employee if one shows up on your doorstep.  They are not there to help you fill out the forms, just verify they are hand delivering the questionnaire to the correct address and leave it for you.  There are NO names attached to the questionnaires; the forms have been shortened.  They are to be filled out and mailed in the postage paid envelope provided by April 1st, 2010. 

So what does the Census have to do with ‘You Are What You Eat’?  Well, a correct count may help the school your child or grandchild attends; prepare healthier lunch meals, with the federal funds given to the school district, based on the population count. Numbers that came from the people who filled out the questionnaire and sent it back, completed. 

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February is Heart Health Month

Posted by Granny1952 Thursday, February 11, 2010

One of the ways to help your heart – start walking! It is simple, and helps your body in so many ways. Don’t sit for long periods of time. Our bodies are not made for as much sitting as we do in today’s world of conveniences.

Another way is to make sure you are getting enough Omega 3’s. EPA, ALA, DHA are different types of Omega 3’s. EPA & DHA are found in cold water fish, salmon, tuna, trout, sardines, seaweed. ALA is found in flax seed, walnuts, beans, dark leafy vegetables and soybeans. Omega 3’s are a natural anti-inflammatory for the body.

If you buy the capsules; do a few simple tests on the capsules.                                                      

First one:
Place a Styrofoam cup in a soup bowl, fill about half way full of hot water, and drop a capsule into the water. See how long it takes to dissolve and does it melt the cup. The faster it dissolves and melts the cup, the better for you. I tried this on several brands and the cheaper ones never did dissolve and some took hours. If it takes hours or never dissolves, does it do you any good? Your body will push it through the digestive system without absorbing the omega 3’s.

Second one:
Poke a hole in the end of the capsule; squirt the oil onto a piece of foil. Place in freezer. (I put the foil in a little Dixie cup to avoid spilling) Mercury will freeze at -38 degrees. Check it out later or next day. Did the oil gel? Freeze?

Omega 3’s help your body in so many ways. It not only helps your heart but your brain also. Links to depression and lack of Omega 3’s have been found in studies. If you are on blood thinning medications, you should check with your doctor first on how much Omega 3’s you should eat.

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A ‘Rich’ outlook on well-being

Posted by Granny1952 Wednesday, January 6, 2010
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